A gorgeous array of artificial flowers and greenery
Lily of the Valley Bouquet- Purple
Eucalyptus Hanging Bush
Pom Pom Bouquet - Blue
Seeding Bush - Pink
Flowering Bush - Green
Seeded Bush - Red
Flowering Gum Bush - White/Green
Flowering Gum Bush -Purple
Pampas Grass Bush - Brown
Pom Pom Bouquet-Cream
Pom Pom Bouquet-Pink
Rose Bouquet- Peach
Daisy Bush-Pink
Daisy Bush -Cream
Garden Flower Bouquet - Orange
Garden Flower Bouquet- Pink
Gumnut Bouquet- Peach
Hydrangea Stem -Pink
Hydrangea Stem - Blue
Hydrangea Stem - Cream
Rose Bouquet- Light Pink
Rose Bouquet- Cream
White Blossom Stem
Pink Blossom Stem